Truemoney Wallet
The portal that aims to provide Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents with a fast and smart job search service to match them with relevant jobs, based on their skills and competencies.
ux/UI design
📌 Client Background
        GovTech, or Government Technology Agency of Singapore, harnesses the best info-communications technologies to build a Smart Nation & Digital Government their work can be broadly classified into three areas which is “Products”, “Services”, “Cybersecurity & Governance”.
👉 Challenge:
     Design to improve the overall government website experience and brand analytics.

🖊  Role:     
     Experience Designer, Interface Designer, Animator, UX engineer

🔧 Tools:    
     Figma, Framer, Illustrator, After Effect, Photoshop

⏰ Project duration:     
     2.8 months (16 January 2023 - 31 March 2023)

💼 Stakeholders:     
📍 Ministry of Manpower & Government Technology Agency, Singapore
        I collaborated closely with User Experience Designers - from CareersFinder, Job Seeker, and Employer team - Product Owners, and Delivery Managers in every internal design discussion which happened 3 times weekly.
        Then, followed by the Head of Product Owner in ‘Weekly Design Sharing’, in which all designers have to present their design updates to the rest of the team. Sometimes, included related stakeholders from another segment of GovTech for example, Workforce Singapore team, Subject matter experts, and compliance.
        More than the design part, we also collaborated closely with developers to ensure overall experience and the illustrative design quality on MCF platform.
        CareersFinder is a feature in MyCareersFuture, the national job search site - It is dubbed as Singaporean Linkedln. The main concept of this feature is to "Take a Quiz '' and find the right job for Singaporean job seekers.
        At that time, the CareersFinder team lacked human resources for a UI designer role, so that I had the opportunity to help them on optimizing overall user experience, especially Visual Design.
        After consenting to our working agreement, They had delivered reports of ux research, a draft of wireframe and the unknown decision of brand creation.
        As a UI Designer, I started working on UX audit to examine the narrative and overall experience, from information architecture to look & feel should it be on the site parallel with brand analysis.
        After collectively understanding the best position of CareersFinder through analysis and synthesis. I, therefore, delivered the presentation and talked to the steering committees and team unhesitantly, also provided my development plan and timeline to show them our transparency.
        These backlogs of the UI Improvement Development plan will start from refining 'Information Architecture' until working on a technological role as an UX Engineer to perform as an intermediary between designers and developers in technical communication.
        Each section has its own uniquely developed details. I would like to share 3 outstanding examples that occurred in the plan as follows.
        after naming the feature "CareersFinder". My customer asked me to design the logo. Our preliminary thought might express that it would be great if "CareersFinder" had its own logo design. But, it would be much better if we looked into a Brand Archetype first. and ask about a brand position it is literally in.
        I facilitated a workshop with many major decision makers and marketing teams.We define the brand as “Find your path & Grow your career.” I therefore saw the Mood & Tone will be progressive, focused, and purposeful.
        I also amplified, again, with the image of the brand architecture of how they view "CareersFinder" – Do they want to preserve the "MyCareersFuture" image or start the new perception of introducing "CareersFinders"?
        To make a long story short, they chose to remain the original brand as "MyCareersFuture" which has CareersFinder feature inside of it. Therefore, we will not need to design a new logo anymore.
        What we have learned, Designing a logo might not be the final answer of this challenge. Again, we have to understand them deeply about their brand position.
        As for the result of the text “Choose your path! & Grow your career”, we can apply this concept a lot in illustration design.
CareersFinder, Branding in long-term plan (if it's needed)
        It was my suggestion to create all characters on the web interface for more Singaporeans by pushing out the identity of 4 races without knowing that many details were waiting for me. I am a foreigner and know only 4 races which consist of Chinese, Indian, Malay and Eurasian.
        This challenge was very unclear on the details itself. The more I asked, the more different the answers I got - about color, costume, etc. so I started trying new ways to integrate this illustrative design in user research.
👉 Process 1: Primary Research
(1) Commuting to my office and doing group interviews with our representatives in each race to share their identity, look and feel and crucial points. (2) In addition, customers also introduced me to their community subject matter experts to let me facilitate the interview.
👉 Process 2: Secondary Research
I was eagerly keen to watch more Singaporean documentaries, also researching illustrative GovTech digital products, noticing about posters along the road, traditional vs. modern costume to create a mood board collectively.
👉 Process 3: Define & Analysis
the mood board helped me magically see the differences clearly until the varieties come to the solid solution. After that, I was confident enough to inform them about the research that convinced them completely. So, I can start designing without hesitation.
Indians = bright color, such as, pink and yellow
Malay = green
Chinese = red
CareersFinder, Illustration Design
        Based on the phrase “Find your path & Grow your career!”, we, again, took this statement and analyzed it in depth.
        We discovered that we could get co-values from a “Personality Assessment Website” which has the same experience journey - which I illustrated below by using the 5E framework.
        Not only such a similar journey, but also harmonizing look and feel. such as (1) Find the right in you, (2) Diversity of jobs and (3) Push to the highest potential in you. it expresses in multicolor design which gets along well with the diversity of ethnicity in Singapore.
        Another important factor that we must consider is, "How much does a brand need to rely on promotion?" - It tremendously affects Information Architecture - I did card sorting with them and let them vote on the most impactful wireframe on our users (and also test with real users, selected from our analytics as well.)
        Since "CareersFinder" is a new feature, we need to prioritize promoting the feature. From now on, we will take you to the Final Solution of the website below.
        Our team and I are delighted to share that we have been very successful in "CareerFinder”. See more of our publications Here.
🎊 CareersFinder FEATURE Announcement! 🎊

It was announced at Parliament Sitting, Ministry of communications and information on March 1,2023
        I delivered quality-pleasing experiences and visual design which completely met their expectations on-time with our agreement in the first place, moreover, I also planned for the future of the product that customers got inspired by many possibilities of ideas which can be implemented on post MVP.
        I have been successfully building trust with 30 GovTechkies which they want to collaborate with me again in the future further.
See Testimonials on my contribution
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