GovTech SG
TrueMoney got a new challenge of steady decline in the number of upgrading to the highest KYC over the past six months. so that we solved and received a good response from the number of authentication that increased by more than 48% during the next half year.
ux/ui/cx design
        KYC is identity verification. Before we do any financial transactions, We must know the user information first, through the process of OCR, Biometric verification, including filling in the required information in the application.
👉 Challenge:
     Design to encourage users to do more KYC (from KYC 2.5 to 4.0, the highest KYC level).

🖊 Roles:
     Designer, Coordinator

🔧 Tools: 
     Figma, Slide, Mural, Google Analytics

⏰ Project duration:     
     2.5 months

💼 Stakeholders:     
     Business specialists, Product Owners, Developers, Data analysts
1. Project Planning
2. Research (general research, competitive analysis, interview, reports)
3. Define the problem
3. Ideation
4. Prototype
5. Usability Testing
6. Inspect
7. Tracking the data (plan to improve if applicable)
        In July 2021, TrueMoney Wallet got a new challenge of steady decline in the number of upgrading to the highest KYC over the past six months - reported by Analytics. At the same time, we also received the reports from CLT regarding user communications in applications that were unclear, until the department got workload to answer a tons of customers' questions, which makes the user insecure about raising his identity about what privileges/rights they will receive from our application.

        While we have many other features in development and have already launched, users should have full rights to participate in the entire features, so they should upgrade themselves to get the privileges. It also increases even more engagement with the application.
        For the "Project Planning", I started gathering all stakeholders from people with long-standing project backgrounds from all parties that be involved in "KYC Verification" by sending an e-mail to prepare the "Experience Canvas" Workshop.
TrueMoney Wallet, Customer Wallet Usage
"Experience Canvas" is a reflection on the understanding of this proposition so that everyone can communicate their needs and problems that arise in each department independently. the canvas can also confirms that all attendees have a common understanding of the purpose/common goals and ready to support work on the way (normally, we will receive a variety of opinions. we will use Red Dot voting to prioritize).
      From the workshop, we got the summary as follows!


        🎯 Inform the amount of use per day/month clearly in each transaction type.
        🎯 Let users unlock other financial services and expand transaction limit through KYC uplift.
        🎯 Reducing the workload of our cell center.
        I also worked on the project by using "Persona hotel" (we have a persona hotel for every features/countries where we will update new persona information every half year).

        Then, studied about a KYC visualization by framing "competitive apps", "non-competitive apps", and successful case studies (if applicable) for analysting the strength (+) and weakness (-) to support the idea.
So, I defined the Research Area Focus!

     1. E-wallet ⭐⭐⭐ : Upgrade account in order to upgrade their customer wallet usage such as ‘TMN Wallet’.

    2. Other financial apps ⭐⭐: Other type of wallet usage such as saving account, financial management, credit balance.

    3. Non-financial service apps : Inform the limit/status of something ex. Nutrition fact, Travel budget management, Collecting point for redeeming a coupon.
        Then, we will summarize the Core elements (commonly occur on this feature) obtained from these applications.
📌 Ideation workshop, PROTOTYPING to TESTING
       Card sorting is very important as we are sequencing the data to communicate with the user as articulated as possible.
      Next, we've unlimitedly sketches! what we got from the sequence of data in the first step. and let the participants choose the best sketch to present.
         After finished, all ideas will be summarized and developed the first prototype!
        We used the prototype to test with the real users. it was anyone who use our app. Luckily, we can test with internal users who are NOT* related to the KYC development, for example, Accounting, HR, Admin. by using Maze as a tool for the Usability Testing.

        "Receiving feedback" lead to further development and always keep in touch throughout this phase.
TrueMoney Wallet, Comprehension Testing
        Once all parties accepted the prototype, we began testing the content (Comprehension Testing) working closely with UX Writer to analyze the points that should be developed in terms of content in various criteria.

        Then, we make a High Fidelity Wireframe in all use case and pass on to developers to develop. we kept in touch and inspect in terms of function and UI in "DEMO day" in detail. (By the way, there had an appointment with developers to check the completeness of all visual design and scale periodically)
The “KYC” will be a part of the “Customer Wallet Usage” menu on the TrueMoney Wallet app.

I create badges (Basic, Advance) and User's Missions to clearly sort the privileges in each KYC level, and will make the user feel a bit incomplete with the "lock" symbols so that we aims to make clear on the goal to let users more aware of their privileges.

then, the user click on "เปรียบเทียบระดับการใช้งานบัญชี", will link to the table


A part from that I also include the Level Comparative Table" to help communicating more clearly (with fewer words and more graphics).
        Upon completion of development, I contacted Data Analyst to tag the data help us can evaluate the user feedback in quantitative data.
In this project, I learned how to "choose" and "manage" procedures, time and people in detail, making this project go smoothly. and received a good response from the number of authentication that increased during the next half year.
📌 EXTRA: Illustration
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