KOUEN 🇯🇵, the famous Japanese restaurant business at affordable prices. for celebrating 6 years anniversaries 🎉. we want to improve the great dining experience in order to increase the customer loyalty and the number of returning rate.
ux/ui/cx design
"The user interface of membership application with more than 10,000 registered users within the first month which provide user with  innovative and seamless way to accumulate/spend points"
👉 Challenge:    
     Design by improving the great dining experience in order to increase the customer loyalty and the number of returning rate for celebrating 6 years anniversaries.

⏰ Project duration:     
     2.5 months

💼 Stakeholders:     
     Business specialists, Developers, Project manager, Customer company (KOUEN officer, manager, waiters, etc.)
1. Research & Gather requirements
2. Define & Create business plan
3. Ideation
4. Prototype
5. Usability Testing
6. Inspect
7. Tracking the data
📌 Findings
"We started gathering requirements by understanding the CI and try out 3 branches in different criteria."
Personas: around 80% of the customers are  from school to working age (17-40 years) and the others are family.

"As customers,
They came to spend a great time with friends or family in each special occasion/festival here. but the pain, news or promotions from the shop are not spread to customers thoroughly."

"As an owner,
Restaurants do not know their customers, for example, never statistically collect customer data seriously."

        So, we worked with business specialists to design a creative business experiences by using business framework and planned the phase with a lot of sketches.

"We conducted usability testing over 5 times in the same group of studies (over 30+ users) to reach a final solution."
♦️ KOUEN web application
Customer Journey
We used 'Hook framework' along with creative design to invent this web application!
1. Bubble Survey
"What is your favourite Japanese food ?"
After filling out on our registration process. we will ask 'What is your favourite Japanese food?' through the game so that I got the idea from "choosing". If it was you, which dish would you pick up first?
2. Collect points
UPGRADE TO "silver", "gold", "BLACK"
Get KOUEN Points from spending. Every payments at KOUEN are always valuable!. We will collect points to upgrade the user level to get more privileges including silver, gold and black. The points can be redeem anytime.
3. Promotion
Display the tickets created by KOUEN back-office program that users can come back and check, then, redeem promotion at the restaurant anytime.
4. Games
Wherever the customer is, they can play anytime. Got the prize? Redeem it at the restaurant! We have "a great prize" everyday.
to redeem promotion/PRIZE
After the customers got a prize 👑, they have to scan to redeem a promotion. Then, the food will serve to your table immediately! 🙌
♦️ Back Office program
👉 Collect customer data, supervise statistics in each type of data: to be the first step of making officially CRM to get to know more about customers.

👉 Create a promotion freely: according to KOUEN Marketing's strategy.
"Above all, I learnt a lot about business frameworks, worked with other company, and finally, be a designer who can manage all design loop. Such a best practice!"
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