We recommend a very simpler investment that you can earn continuously with our platform “Yummdi” just search for rarely used thing! bring it to us!, then, we will invest for you to earn passive income from your own product!
ux/UI/CX design
Example, Graphic Design Ads! 🥳
        This project arises from the problem of people who need to buy products but rarely use them, for example, when you think of “Big board game” - requires a large group of friends, “Barbecue griller” for the party. Sometimes, this could be a very expensive product, but we still need to buy it and make you feel worried 😰 about “its value”, “maintenance” and “your limited space”

        So, designing this experience to address this issue will be very helpful for the younger generation who don't have the time, the limited space but I want to join every activities extremely.
👉 Challenge:
     Design for solving the problem of people who need to buy some product but rarely or no longer used.

🖊  Role:     
     UX/UI Designer, Frontend Developer, 3D Designer

🔧 Tools:    
     Figma, Mural, Blender 3D, Photoshop

⏰ Project duration:     
     2 weeks [Self-Ideation Challenge]

💼 Stakeholders:     
     Backend Developer
1. Research
2. Define
3. Ideation & Create business design
4. Prototype
5. Usability Testing
6. Website development
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